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Latin America Tomato Processing Market to Experience Strong Requisition During 2022-2027, Driven by Longer Shelf Life and Consumer Shift Towards Health Consciousness

El informe del estudio de mercado de Informes de Expertos titulado, ‘El Mercado Latinoamericano del Procesamiento del Tomate, Informe y Pronóstico 2022-2027′, ofrece una visión estructurada del mercado, examinando sus diversos segmentos y variables clave como uso final, canal de distribución y las regiones. La investigación recoge un sólido pronóstico de la presencia de factores clave de éxito y limitaciones, sigue a los proveedores bien establecidos y las últimas tendencias de la industria que impactan en el objetivo de crecimiento del mercado global. También evalúa la dinámica del mercado y la relación entre la demanda de los consumidores y el precio del producto, junto con la auditoría de los modelos FODA y de las cinco fuerzas de Porter.

The market study report by Informes de Expertos titled, ‘Latin America Tomato Processing Market 2022-2027’, gives structured insights into the market, examining its diverse segments and key variables such as end use, distribution channel and key regions. The research gathers robust forecasting of the presence of key success factors and constraints, tracks well-established vendors, and the latest trends in the industry that impact the growth goal of the overall market. It also assesses the market dynamics, and the relationship between consumer demand and product price, coupled with the audit of SWOT and Porter’s Five Forces models.

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Los aspectos más destacados del informe incluyen:

Visión general del mercado (2017-2027)

• CAGR para el período de pronóstico (2022-2027): 3,80%

Se prevé que el mercado latinoamericano de procesamiento de tomate se expanda exponencialmente entre 2022 y 2027, impulsado por el uso generalizado de tomates procesados en una serie de sectores de uso final, así como por el aumento del consumo de alimentos procesados. Las amplias aplicaciones de los tomates procesados en restaurantes, hoteles, cadenas de comida rápida y en el hogar para aperitivos están induciendo una gran demanda de procesamiento de tomates.

La conquista española de las Américas condujo a la difusión de los tomates, que originalmente eran consumidos por los mexicanos, por todo el mundo. Con la ayuda de nuevos participantes y los planes de expansión de importantes actores ya establecidos, la industria de transformación del tomate está ahora muy organizada y genera ventas por valor de miles de millones de dólares.

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Industry Definition and Major Segments

Tomato processing is the ability to process tomatoes for using them for something more than merely veggies, such as canning, dehydrating, or making paste, puree, pulp, ketchup, tomato sauce, or tomato juice. To make a variety of goods, tomatoes are brought to the facility and moved manually, mechanically, or hydraulically.

Segmentation by End Use:

• Sauces
• Tomato Paste
• Canned Tomatoes
• Ketchup
• Juice
• Other

Segmentation by Distribution Channel:

• Supermarkets and Hypermarkets
• Convenience Stores
• Specialty Stores
• Online Stores
• Other

Key regions covered include:

• Brazil
• Argentina
• Mexico
• Others

Market Trends

The Latin American tomato processing market is upsurging due to the sedentary lifestyle of the younger generation and their choices to opt for readily available functional foods and ready-to-cook foods. The longer shelf life of canned tomatoes and other variants of tomato products are inducing the key players to renovate the ways to accelerate supply channels for fulfilling the excess demand.

Even, increasing urbanisation and growth in the fast-food industry are major driving factors providing a boost to demand processed tomatoes. While it imports top-quality tomato paste and diced or whole peeled tomatoes, most manufactured goods in Brazil are intended for the domestic market. Additionally, to meet its demand in 2017, the nation imported almost 30% of its processed tomato products.

Key Market Players

The major players in the market are:

• AgroAndina SA
• La Campagnola
• Minas Mais Alimentos
• The Morning Star Company
• COFCO Tunhe Tomato Co., Ltd.
• Xinjiang Chalkis Tomato Products Co., ltd
• Others

The insights in the market research report provide growth possibilities, socio-political environment factors affecting the market, launches of products, new entrants dominating the market, and the presence of key companies driving the industry.

About Us:

Informes de Expertos, the Spanish variant of Expert Market Research, is a platform that offers market research and consultancy services to a broad clientele base across Spanish speaking countries. With our primary focus on the Latin America and Spain markets, our research experts provide relevant and actionable insights into the markets and track major trends, economic developments, and global trade data.

Determined to bring client satisfaction, we make sure that our tailored approach meets the client’s unique market intelligence requirements. Our syndicated and customized research reports cover a wide spectrum of industries ranging from pharmaceuticals and food and beverage to packaging, logistics, and transportation.

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